”Fuck” et nederdrægtigt lån
endnu ikke helt dansk – men
sandsynligvis mere anvendt af den samlede danskhed i tegn og sprog
end ”please”.
At bruge det engelsk/amerikanske
slangudtryk for bolle eller kneppe (vel ikke elske som elskov i denne
forbindelse) som udtryk for foragt rækker som gestus efter sigende helt tilbage
til det gamle Grækenland.
At bruge kønsakten/voldtægt til at
nedgøre ”fjenden” var/er jo udpræget krigspraksis og var måske
for Grækerne mere ”mandeinternt” end vi i dag ser denne sag.
Det kan meget vel være, at ordet (dog
ikke fuckfingeren) for en del af dets brugere er helt løsrevet fra
dets egentlige betydning og det ”bedste forsvar” for brugen af
”fuck” jeg har mødt var også en fremhævelse af dets eksplosive
fonetiske kvaliteter som kan bære og formidle en masse aggression.
Ja – netop en masse aggression – her forbindes altså seksualitet
med aggression – i stedet for med hengivelse.
Jeg ville ønske vi kunne/ville springe
dette nederdrægtige låneord/håndtegn over og kunne klare os med
nogle eder og forbandelser i stedet for. Guderne kan sikkert klare at
blive nedgjort. Vi som mennesker (med vores
seksualitet/kærlighedsliv) har derimod ikke godt af at true med
voldtægt - eller blive truet med det.
"fuck " a vile gesture/word
not yet completely Danish - but probably more used of the total “Danishness” in gesture and language than " please" .
To use the English/American slang term for having intercourse (not “make love” in this context ) as an expression of contempt dates reportedly back to ancient Greece.
Using the sexual act / rape to denigrate the "enemy" was / is common war practice and was perhaps for the ancient Greeks more "man house" than we see this case today.
It may well be that the word (except the risen middle finger) for some of its users is completely divorced of its true meaning and the "best defense" for the use of "fuck" I have met was also emphasizing its explosive aural qualities which can carry and convey a lot of aggression. Yes - just a lot of aggression - here is sexuality connected with pure aggression - instead of devotion.
I wish we could / would skip this vile loanword / hand sign and could get by with some curses instead. The gods can surely manage to be belittled. We as humans (with our sexuality / love ), however do suffer from threatening with rape - or being threatened with it.
not yet completely Danish - but probably more used of the total “Danishness” in gesture and language than " please" .
To use the English/American slang term for having intercourse (not “make love” in this context ) as an expression of contempt dates reportedly back to ancient Greece.
Using the sexual act / rape to denigrate the "enemy" was / is common war practice and was perhaps for the ancient Greeks more "man house" than we see this case today.
It may well be that the word (except the risen middle finger) for some of its users is completely divorced of its true meaning and the "best defense" for the use of "fuck" I have met was also emphasizing its explosive aural qualities which can carry and convey a lot of aggression. Yes - just a lot of aggression - here is sexuality connected with pure aggression - instead of devotion.
I wish we could / would skip this vile loanword / hand sign and could get by with some curses instead. The gods can surely manage to be belittled. We as humans (with our sexuality / love ), however do suffer from threatening with rape - or being threatened with it.
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