torsdag den 27. marts 2014

blue eyed policy

Naive policy with reminiscences to the time before the Iron Curtain was removed leaves the Baltic states in the lurch.
Danish leftwing party “Enhedslisten” indulges in illusions regarding Russian willingness to waive Russian nationalist interests in the light of recommendations and negotiations.
It is obvious that the Baltic States by Russian nationalists are considered as Russian matter of interest supposed to be under Russian domination. The Putin regime currently is riding on a Russian national sentiment as a substitute for its for more than 30 years lost " socialist" unity of the Soviet Union . This is due to our historical knowledge concerning nationalisms catastrophic impact on European history an extremely dangerous course - obviously not recognized by Enhedslistens defense spokesman Nikolaj Villumsen .
I would just encourage him - and others on the political left - who think like him - to imagine how they would feel if they were f.x. Lithuanians, with the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad as a neighbor ... with his eyes fixed on what happened and is happening in the Crimea ..


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