tirsdag den 17. december 2019


probably tells, that it is NOW, at this time of year, that we should let our positive emotions - our good heart - control us in what we do and think.
But so many extraneous THINGS may stand in the way to fulfil our good intentions.
Getting things and giving things is/has been a major issue in the deficiency situation that the biggest part of humanity has been in until a few decades ago. Hundreds of millions have unfortunately not yet been freed from a lack of the basic necessities of life.
What we, in our welfare society, ought to do about that imbalance, must also be something that our conscience or the "good heart" has to deal with.
Nevertheless, I would like to welcome here that we as humans, however, HAVE feelings that we sometimes appreciate, sometimes suppress, but under all circumstances play a major role in our lives and thoughts.
"Love overcomes everything" - the big, human dream.
Very understandably, many  do wish that such a regiment of love prevails throughout the universe.
We know today, that there exist so many galaxies, stars, and planets, that it is extremely unlikely, that our Earth is the only place in universe inhabited by beings with emotions. Astronomers can observe huge "disasters" out there, where these, our possible/probable "fellows in feelings" experienced their doomsday. One can then hope, that they got a fair or even "loving" doom on these occasions. I will not bet on it…

Here on our little planet we get the love and compassion that we humans give each other and ourselves in our believes, and then we must hope that "Love overcomes everything", against all odds or
"If love is an illusion, then to hell with reality." (as danish author Elsa Gress once wrote)

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