fredag den 8. februar 2013


Nu får Danmark så tilsyneladende den rabat i EU som udgør 0,00093 % ( dvs. under 1 promille) af det offentliges udgifter i 2012. SEJREN ER HJEMME!!

Statsministeren Helle Thorning Schmidt havde efter en lang række udspil af oftest asocial karakter - med den undskyldning at verdens tilstand (og de Radikale) ikke tillod andet, længe haft brug for at vise styrke:

Vi vil ikke betale så meget til de (andre) rige i EU – vi vil har én milliard i rabat – vi er hverken til at hugge eller stikke i – forstået!!?”

Og pressen/radio/tv var helt med på den, som om håndboldherrernes finalenederlag skulle rettes op på i Bruxelles. Nu får Danmark så tilsyneladende den rabat i EU som udgør 0,001439 % af statens udgifter i 2012. SIKKE EN SEJR!!

(Per 28/03/2012 var Danmarks samlede offentlige udgifter i 2012 budgetteret til 1.077 mia. kr.
[Budgetter for offentlig forvaltning og service 2011-2012 Offentlige finanser NYT FRA DANMARKS STATISTIK Nr. 166 • 28. marts 2012])

torsdag den 7. februar 2013

“our crisis” keeps the richest in the fast lane


It is definitely a trend in this time of crisis, to combine shameless overconsumption with a shameless exploitation of labourers on national and global level. "Science" i.e. the bourgeois economists unsurprisingly supports this.
Remarkably, however, is the insouciance with respect to the maintenance of social peace that accompanies this class struggle from above.
It seems like the upper-class dreams of establishing "colonial” conditions in capitalisms heartland (Europe and USA). This is propagated as a consequence of "globalization" and the free markets inevitable law.

To assume, that hungry Europeans or Americans will exhibit the same helplessness and lethargy as the poorest in the Indian caste society, must be considered naivety bordering on idiocy. Who imagines that our state rulers ore private enterprises could recruit a sufficient number of suppressed individuals to paramilitary forces to keep the rest of the plebeians in place?

And even if this were to succeed for a while - how would the quality of life be for the upper class - behind barbed wire and hidden in armoured vehicles?

Permanent emigration to Dubai or similar resorts is probably not attractive for a spoiled upper class who is accustomed to bask in peace in Nice or Coronado Beach and shop in London or Milan.

Beside this social mayhem unfolds an ecological one, where the chance to "use the crisis" for a socially balanced reduction of consumption is wasted in favour of a redistribution of funds to the very class which - overall - behaves most stupid in relation to the environmental challenges we humans are facing.